Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leftovers Followup: Poule Au Pot Ingredients

Hello again! In the Poule Au Pot post, I mentioned that you may end up with leftover vegetables, since most of those ingredients (leeks, celery, carrots, parsnips, turnips) are sold in bunches providing more than enough of each veggie type for one night's cook-up of poule au pot. If you have leftover chicken because you bought a value pack, it's like a free fricking meal! Here's what we did with our extra ingredients tonight!

1. Prep the chicken as you wish (I'm stuffing with goat cheese, and sprinkling on thyme, salt and pepper).

2. Chop the vegetables (except for the leeks) into about 2-inch chunks. Plop in a casserole/roasting dish and pour in just enough chicken stock to cover the bottom of the casserole. Cover with aluminum foil (or a real casserole cover, if you're fancy like that).

3. Pop chickies and veggies on the top oven rack at 375, and check for doneness in about 25 minutes. That's a pretty good mass cooking in the oven at one time, so don't be surprised if things still need 10-20 minutes more, depending on: how large an amount of leftover veggies you had; how big and how many your chicken breasts are; and how heavy your casserole/roasting dishes are.

Intermission: Play with your new camera.

Spouse grudgingly agrees to take a photo of less-photographed better half.

Tiffany-style lamp in bedroom.

Fabulous apron of fabulousness


Another intermission option is to accidentally burn your forearm on the 375 degree oven when lifting the veggies out to check for doneness. Ouch. I mean, really. Ouch.

4. When chicken and vegetables are done, chow down. If one is done way before the other for some reason, no sweat off your back. Take it out, keep it covered, and pop back in for a sec before you feast.

Le yum yum for le cheap cheap! Le win-win.

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